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If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Miss R Brown (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs M Eastham (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs T Bolton (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Miss Blackburn (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

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Fair and Comparative Testing

Year 5 investigated a variety of different ways in which we could speed up the time it takes to dissolve sugar.  Each group changed a different variable such as the temperature of the water, the type of sugar, the volume of the water, the amount of sugar or the speed of stirring.  We then worked out what our results showed and wrote a conclusion taking into consideration how fair our tests were as well.

Miss Jordan, who is having a baby in the Summer, set Beech class the challenge of finding out the best brand of nappies.  We worked in groups to carry out a comparative test of the absorbency of the different nappies and then reported back to Miss Jordan our findings.  We were surprised to find out that the cheapest brand were the most absorbent!

Beech class carried out a comparative test to explore which materials would make the best thermal insulators and would help to keep the teachers' coffee warmer for longer when they are on break duty.

HAWTHORN YEAR 4- LESSON 4 - fair testing of 4 types of chocolate and observing the speed of melting from a solid to a liquid. We compared the times and also compared Group 1 and Group 2's results and discussed any anomalies.

Year 5 have been working on carrying out a fair test to investigate orbit times.  We used a ping pong ball tied to a string to model a planet and its orbit. We changed the size of the string so it was a smaller or larger orbit and then timed how long the orbit would take.   We had to consider which variables we had to keep the same to make the test fair and we also thought about why scientists repeat tests. We will now look closely at our results to determine if we can prove that the further the planet from the Sun, the longer the orbit time.

Beech class carried out comparative tests on a variety of different materials to test their transparency, permeability, flexibility, hardness and whether they were magnetic or not.  They were challenged to design their own way of recording their results and findings.

Year 3 tested their own questions when melting a range of different chocolates. We kept the same amount of chocolate to ensure it was fair and discovered that ‘Aero’ melted the quickest. The children concluded this was because of the air bubbles.

Year 3 compared ice and other frozen liquids. We observed how they melted to get a better understanding of the freezing and melting points of liquids. We discovered that oil did not freeze as it needed a much colder temperature than we could provide in the school freezer.

Hawthorn TESTING THE VISCOSITY OF LIQUIDS - we challenged the same amount of different liquids to a race. The winner showed the least viscosity and we concluded that syrup was the most viscous.

Cedar Class tested the viscosity of different liquids by racing them. We discovered that syrup was the most viscous liquid as it was the thickest and moved the slowest.

This afternoon  in Elm class we did a comparative test using candy canes! We placed a candy cane in different temperatures of water. We predicated what we thought might happen to them. We learned that the hotter the red the quicker the water will change colour. 

In Elder we enjoyed carrying out an investigation to observe the effect of different liquids on our teeth. We used eggs to act as tooth enamel and we made decisions as small groups to what liquids we wanted to investigate. We will now see what the results are as we observe what happens over time...
