
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, visitors, and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Miss R Brown (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs M Eastham (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs T Bolton (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Miss Blackburn (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

St Peter's participates in Operation Encompass. Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse, school will be advised that the child has been involved. Please see school website for further details.

The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be found here. SAFEGUARDING POLICY

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Investigating mixing - we used different colours to mix shades of green to replicate the rainforest undergrowth. We were amazed at how many different shades and tints of green we could create!

Embossing Stage 2 - imprinting to tin foil. We embossed tin foil with imprints from our string tiles with our rainforest images. They look great! These will now be added to our rainforest collage!

Embossing -stage 1. We studied rainforest images linked to our literacy text ‘the Tin Forest’ and glued string to polystyrene tiles ready to emboss tin foil to create our own Tin Forest.

Digital Art - we explored how colour and other effects can alter mood and atmosphere. We really enjoyed using ‘be funky’ and the editing programme to add text to our images - do you think the emotion reflects the image?

We used charcoal to create images of ‘the Tin Forest’ - we looked at the affect of heavy and light pressure to create different shades

Wire rainforest creations
