Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, visitors, and volunteers to share this commitment.
If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Miss R Brown (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs M Eastham (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs T Bolton (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Miss Blackburn (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
St Peter's participates in Operation Encompass. Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse, school will be advised that the child has been involved. Please see school website for further details.
The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be found here. SAFEGUARDING POLICY
In pairs we made a buzzer/bulb game which really tested our knowledge of complete and broken circuits, conductors and insulators. Success – we all managed to make a buzzer game work.
Our key questions were:
How can I make the bulb brighter?
How can I make the buzzer louder?
What happens when the handle touches the zig zag wire?
Why is it safer to hold a wooden handle?
What have I made when the buzzer goes off?
What have I made when the buzzer is silent?
To inspire the start of our topic on electricity, Mrs Carroll from STEM 'Bright Sparks' visited our class with all her wonderful equipment for us to use. We made complete circuits and investigated what happens if a circuit is broken. We problem-solved using switches and progressed onto using circuits with buzzers and motors.
We understand that electricity flows in a circle- when the circle is broken then electricity will stop flowing and the bulb or buzzer won't work.
Our bodies can even be part of this circuit! We experimented safely with a light stick.
Electricity is the energy which makes things move, light up, make a sound or give heat.
Making the circle - circuit
Using a switch to make a bulb light up
Investigating buzzers and motors.
Our bodies make a circuit too
Electricity flows through water and our bodies!
Teeth and the Digestion System
We chopped banana and wheatabix to represent our mouth and teeth.
We added saliva (water). Then we swallowed this sown the oesophagus (represented by a plastic bag).
Next this was emptied into the stomach (another plastic bag) in which we secreted bile and pancreatic acid and juices.
Next this was passed into the small intestine and pushed through the tights! This represented how nutrients are absorbed into the body’s blood stream.
Then the food moves into the large intestine and finally waste food is taken out of the body via the rectum and flushed down the loo!
The bowl represents the mouth
The cutlery represents the teeth
Molars grind the food
The tongue helps us swallow
Down the oesophagus
Oesophagus leads to the stomach
Bile and pancreatic juices are secreted
Food is churned to liquid
Stomach now empties into small intestine
Enzymes break down our food
Nutrients now taken into blood stream from intesti
Nutrients and energy pass into blood
Now left over food passes down
Into large intestine
Not many nutrients or goodness left
Reaches the end of the intestine
Rectum passes out the waste
We have a poo and flush!
Following our first woodland visit, we have observed the fruit ripening and have now harvested all the apples. we are making chocolate covered apples to raise money for the 'Bishop's Harvest Fund'.
We have made our own incisors, canines, premolars and molars and researched by eating apples, what is the function of each type of tooth.
We worked in teams.
We observed what made our balloons move – the power of air pushing the balloon as the air rushed out.
We learnt how hairy string slowed down the balloon. “This is friction,” explained Jayden.
Alexi even tried to cut away the hairs to make the balloon go faster.
Lilly-Mae suggested to wrap the string in sellotape because it is smooth which will make the balloon move quicker.
We've been learning about the trees which each class in St. Peter's is named after. We have tried to identify them looking at shape of leaves, flowers, fruit and bark.
Next we explored the school's woodland and tried to complete the quiz challenge.
We can easily identify Silver Birch and our own name, Hawthorn with its Autumn berries and prickly branches.
Today we learnt about sycamore, willow, oak and elder.
Trees which are bearing fruit at this Autumn time are hawthorn, beech, oak, apple, rowan/ash and plum.
Buddleia in September
Rowan or Mountain Ash
Ash with berries
Silver Birch
Plums will need to be harvested soon
Contorted hazel with nuts
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