Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, visitors, and volunteers to share this commitment.
If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Miss R Brown (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs M Eastham (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs T Bolton (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Miss Blackburn (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
St Peter's participates in Operation Encompass. Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse, school will be advised that the child has been involved. Please see school website for further details.
The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be found here. SAFEGUARDING POLICY
Dear Parents and Friends,
Work in Class 5 has begun with an exciting new topic The Rainforest. We will be investigating the dilemma of deforestation and its cost to local peoples and animal habitats.
Our Rainforest topic is also the new focus for learning in other subjects too. In Geography, we’ll be journeying along the River Amazon from its source to where it meets the sea, travelling through the dense rainforest, and finding out what life in Brazil is like. In Design Technology, we’ll be looking at pneumatics and investigating how to make a rainforest creature that move. In Art, we’ll be exploring the rainforest through drawing, painting and collage, looking at the artist Henri Rousseau and contemporary artist, Ruth Daniels.
This term in Mathematics, learning our times tables is still a priority. Some children have had the target to know 2, 5 and 10 including related division facts, whereas others have been learning 3 and 4 times tables. Some children are even now learning the 6 and 7 times tables. We’re going to keep pushing and testing with this so that lots of children can get their ‘Target Met’ stickers. As an ongoing life skill in math’s maybe you could ask your child to tell the time, especially using 5, 10 etc minutes past and to, and work out how long it takes, for example, to eat their tea, get dressed etc, if you give them the start time. Counting simple money amounts would also help.
In PSHE we will be learning about ‘Getting on and falling out’. In Music we’ll continue to learn how to play the ocarina. In the next few weeks we’ll be moving onto composing rainforest themed sounds using percussion instruments. In R.E. we are going to be learning about Jesus – the man who changed lives.
Some children will receive some extra support this term in Literacy, Numeracy and Reading. This will be planned by the class teacher and delivered by Mrs. Eastham. This will help us to focus on Sentence Level work, consolidation of number facts and inference and deduction skills in reading. Mrs. Eastham continues to change reading books everyday if books are placed in the red reading box by the children. We are trying to encourage all the children at St. Peter’s to read regularly at home and to achieve Rainbow Reader prizes. Class 5 are leading the way by achieving the most prizes in school so far!
P.E. sessions are still on Wednesday. Thank you so much for your care with kits, please check that names are clearly labelled in all kit. Most people have the correct kit.
Thank you for all your ongoing support
Mrs Kirk
China Challenges in Class 5
We used problem solving skills in Maths by calculating how many multi-link cubes are needed for the height of the Great Wall of China.
We have made a pneumatic dragon that opens its mouth by the power of air! We first discovered how we could harness the power of air.
Our Chinese visitors gave us a fantastic time showing us how to lion dance, dance with fans and kung fu moves. We had a great time and the Chorley Guardian came especially to photograph Class 5!!
Class 5 have explored x-rays to better understand our skeleton. We made model hands to understand bone construction and how joints in our skeleton help us to move.
Matthew even tried his model out when writing!
Class 5 have studied ‘Teeth’.
To complete our topic, we used all our knowledge and understanding to make a tooth game similar to Snakes and Ladders.
We tested our games out on Class 6! They seemed to enjoy them immensely and learned something about teeth in the process!
Wow!! What a trip. Class 5 had a great time at the Harris Art Gallery in Preston on our Greek quest. We found out so much more about the Ancient Greeks and the trip inspired us to write stories to rival Homer and ‘The Illiad’!!
We also visited Preston Town Hall and the Chamber to explore how the Greeks left us the legacy of democracy.