Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, visitors, and volunteers to share this commitment.
If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Miss R Brown (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs M Eastham (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs T Bolton (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Miss Blackburn (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
St Peter's participates in Operation Encompass. Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse, school will be advised that the child has been involved. Please see school website for further details.
The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be found here. SAFEGUARDING POLICY
May 2014
Dear Parents/Carers,
Class 3 Newsletter
Welcome back to the Summer Term. It’s hard to believe we are almost at the end of the year!
We have got another exciting term planned for the children and have already made a start on this term’s theme of ‘Marvellous Minibeasts’
In brief, this is what we will be working on this term…
English –In English we will be continuing work on improving sentence construction and punctuation, and continuing to use more connectives to join ideas together. We will all be trying hard to write more, with an emphasis on including more detail. Our main focus this half term will be making up our own stories and creating an information booklet all about minibeasts. We will also be looking at pattern and rhyme, when writing poetry. We will continue to work on handwriting and have already started to link this with common spelling patterns to help us with our phonics.
Mathematics – In mathematics we will continue to build on the exceptional work the children have produced during the first two terms in year one and explore mathematical ideas through practical activities in much more detail. We will be further developing knowledge and understanding of: numbers, counting, putting numbers in order, identifying 2D and 3D shapes, using money and telling the time. Addition, subtraction and the different strategies to use, will continue to be a focus enabling children to work both with bigger numbers and mentally in their head.
Theme – Our theme this term is ‘Marvellous Minibeasts’. This topic has a strong history focus, as we will be learning about the life of the artist Matisse. We will be thinking about who he was, where and when he lived and his influence and importance in the art world. We will have a go at recreating Matisse’s ‘Snail’ picture using laptops and then creating our own Matisse’s Snail using collage.
Science – Our science topic is focused around our theme of minibeasts. Children will learn about life processes, such as life cycles, building on the skills learned last term, with caterpillars and butterflies in the classroom, and we will be looking in detail at the micro-habitats of minibeasts, making our own micro-habitat, to live alongside our existing wormeries. We will also focus on classifying insects and looking at variations in different groups of people/animals insects and plants.
Outdoor Learning – When weather permits we will take our learning outside and explore our grounds, with follow up work linked to English, Mathematics and in particular again this term, Science.
Book change days remain Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Books won’t be changed unless an adult has recorded a reading session. If your child has read and talked about their book with an adult and it isn’t yet time to change it, please encourage your child to read books at home. Your child will also take part in Guided Reading sessions in small groups, with Mrs Brennand, Mrs Parker and I. Please feel free to share comments about your child’s reading using the home link reading record book. The Rainbow Readers scheme has been a great success, encouraging even the reticent reader to pick up a book. May I extend a big thank you to all the parents who have supported their children with home reading to gain rewards from this scheme. Reading every day makes such a difference to your child’s writing development.
Spellings – Our spelling day continues to be Thursday, and as you will have noticed, spellings are now stuck inside children’s homework books. Please encourage your child to include their spelling words in sentences as this aids children’s recall of the words they are trying to learn. Again, thank you for your support with spellings, knowing these commonly used words makes a huge difference in your child’s confidence as a writer.
Book bags need to go back and forth daily. Please check them and empty them regularly!
Money - Please can all monies be in envelopes with the amount written on the outside, your child’s name, our class number (Class 3) and what the money is for.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like any further information.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Sharon Mews
Class Teacher
Welcome to Class 3!
Dear Parents/Carers,
Class 3 Newsletter
Welcome back to the Spring Term! We have got another exciting term planned for the children and have already made a start on this term’s theme of ‘Where in the World…?’
In brief, this is what we will be working on this term…
English –In English we will be looking at improving sentence construction and punctuation, and beginning to use more connectives to join ideas together. We will all be trying hard to write more, with an emphasis on including more detail. Our main focus this half term will be Fairy and Traditional Tales. Your child will be doing lots of writing based upon these books. We will also be using our senses to write some poetry, and having another look at a new range of information books. We will continue to work on handwriting and get more confident with our lead-ins!
Mathematics – In mathematics we will build on the exceptional work the children have produced during the first term in year one and explore mathematical ideas through practical activities in much more detail. We will be further developing knowledge and understanding of: numbers, counting, putting numbers in order, identifying 2D and 3D shapes, using money and telling the time. Addition, subtraction and the different strategies to use, will continue to be a focus enabling children to work both with bigger numbers and mentally in their head.
Theme – Our theme this term is ‘Where in the World..?’ This topic has a strong Geography focus, and we will be learning about Chorley and the surrounding area, moving further afield outside Lancashire, then looking at the British Isles and finally making comparisons between our country and others in the world. If you could talk to your child about any facts you know about Chorley and Lancashire, then this would help with our discussions and comparisons.
Science – Our science topic is focused around the theme of plants and animals in the local environment. Children will learn about plants and animals in their immediate environment and how differences between places very close to each other result in a different range of plants and animals being found. We will hopefully get a chance to experience the life cycle of a butterfly and make our own wormery!
Outdoor Learning – When weather permits we will take our learning outside and explore our grounds, with follow up work linked to English, Mathematics and in particular this term, Science.
Book change days remain Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Books won’t be changed unless an adult has recorded a reading session. If your child has read and talked about their book with an adult and it isn’t yet time to change it, please encourage your child to read books at home. Your child will also take part in Guided Reading sessions in small groups, with Mrs Brennand, Mrs Parker and I. Please feel free to share comments about your child’s reading using the home link reading record book. As you are no doubt aware from the excitement of the children, our Rainbow Readers has now launched and already many children are well on the way to their first prize! Thank you for supporting this valuable scheme, reading every day will make such a difference to your child’s writing development.
Spellings – Our spelling day changed to Thursday last term and continues to be the day that your child will be tested and bring home a new set of words or a highlighted sheet of words that the children need to continue to practise. Thank you for your support with spellings, knowing these commonly used words makes a huge difference in your child’s confidence as a writer.
Book bags need to go back and forth daily. Please check them and empty them regularly!
Money - Please can all monies be in envelopes with the amount written on the outside, your child’s name, our class number (Class 3) and what the money is for.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like any further information.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Sharon Mews
Class Teacher