
Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff, visitors, and volunteers to share this commitment.

If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Miss R Brown (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs M Eastham (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs T Bolton (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Miss Blackburn (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

St Peter's participates in Operation Encompass. Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse, school will be advised that the child has been involved. Please see school website for further details.

The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy can be found here. SAFEGUARDING POLICY

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Class 2

Dear All,

Welcome back following the Easter holidays.  We can’t believe how fast this school year is going and we are sure you will agree how rapidly the children are progressing.  This is fantastic news as we begin to slowly prepare the children for the transition into Year 1 or into Year 2. Our topics this term will begin with growing fruit and vegetables.  We will then be studying the outdoor environment further by looking at mini beasts and understanding their use in the garden.  We will be using a variety of different stories to inspire our learning, for example:  Oliver’s Vegetables, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jim and the Beanstalk, and William Worm to mention a few.


For Year 1’s we will continue to look at story-telling, instruction writing and writing simple recounts in literacy. In numeracy we will continue to develop our addition and subtraction facts and counting in simple number patterns. In Science this term we will be investigating Minibeasts and lifecycles.


Below are some examples of the learning that will be taking place in all the different areas:

Personal Social and Emotional Development

Through a variety of activities the children will continue to develop their friendship groups and will begin to work as a team to investigate a range of problems.

Communication and Language

The children will continue to develop their speaking and understanding skills, taking turns in conversation.  They will be learning to retell a range of stories and traditional tales in their role play.  

Physical Development

The children will be practising their throwing and catching skills they have learnt to further develop their accuracy.  With the warmer weather we will be experiencing athletics skills outdoors in preparation for our Sports Day.


In our phonic sessions some of the children will be continuing to consolidate the sounds and tricky words we have been learning while others will be introduced to or if in Year 1, consolidate Phase 4 sounds.  All children will be encouraged to use their familiar sounds familiar within their writing.  In reading the children will be reminded to spot the sounds they know or tricky words prior to reading the sentence to try and speed up the fluency of their reading. Not forgetting the ongoing Rainbow Readers!


The children will be building on their knowledge and understanding of number and there will be a focus on recording these calculations.

Finding the total of two groups of number will be practised further.  Also subtraction will be developed.

Doubling, halving and sharing will be developed this term.

Ordering objects by weight will also be keeping us busy!

The Maths Olympics will be continuing where we hope to see some children achieve their Gold badges this term.

Understanding the World

The children will be using the outdoor area to find out lots of things about our environment including plants and animals.

We are planning a trip with Class 1 in July to Blackpool Zoo which will enable us to look at animals that originate from all over the world.

(Details to follow shortly)

Expressive Arts & Design

We will be developing the children’s imaginations with the use of further different textures and materials.

We will be showing the children how to draw what they actually see linking heavily with our mini beast and larger animal area of learning.


We are sure you will agree the children have another exciting term to look forward to in Class 2. However, if you have any concerns or worries, please don’t hesitate to speak to us.  Thank you again for your continued support.


              Mrs Campling and Mrs Elliott

We will still be maintaining our usual routines in class so we ask for your help and support and would like to remind you of a few ways in which you can contribute to your child’s learning. 

  1. Please ensure your child’s reading folder comes into school every day as during the week we will work 1:1 with your child and also in a guided reading group.  Unfortunately we can not say on which day this will occur.
  2. Please make sure your child has a school bag.  This allows us to ensure any important letters reach you and vice versa.  Please regularly “clear” out your child’s bag as last term some bags became rather “cluttered.”
  3. Please take the time to practise the “Tricky Words” we send home at the front of your child’s reading record.  We can not express enough the need for reinforcing them and practising this at home. It really does help your child.
  4. If you send a water bottle in with your child to drink throughout the day please ensure it is a named clear bottle with a sports top containing only water. 
China Challenges Week



This week Class 2 have had a fabulous week during China Challenges Week!

Please take a look at our class photos to see the boys and girls involved in traditional Chinese Lion dancing. We all rubbed the lion for good luck!

Chinese Dancing

Chinese Lion Dance

Mathematics Problem Solving-China Challenge-Can you build the Great Wall Of China around the carpet? How many pieces do you estimate it will take? Will there be enough lego in the box to complete it?

Expressive Arts/The World-China Challenge Ice Sculpting is very popular in China. Can you create an ice mobile used from the objects collected on our nature walk?

Speaking and Listening/Understanding of the World/People and Communities/Literacy/Mathematics-China Week-Chinese Restaurant. What food can you buy?What would you like to order? How much will it cost? What change will you get?



In Class 2 we have been practising our estimating, comparing and measuring skills. We have also been sorting objects into different types of diagrams. Look at how hard we have been using our estimating and sorting skills.

Expressive Arts/Understanding Of The World/Personal and Social


Happy Easter Everyone!

Thank you to all the mums and dads for the huge effort with Easter bonnets this year-they are as fabulous as ever and a great joy to see in our Easter Bonnet Parade this year.

Welcome to Class 2!

Dear Parents,

All the children have now settled well into our class routine and have had lots of fun making new friends. It is lovely to come into school each morning to see their happy smiling faces!  Working alongside me in class 2 this term will be Mrs Elliott and Mrs Parker. Mrs Rayner will also be covering PPA time.

To help the children to continue developing their independence, please encourage them to come into school by themselves each morning and to check their reading folders for any letters or money. At the end of the school day, children should not leave the school building until they have seen the adult collecting them. They will be reminded of this on a daily basis in school. Please also reinforce this at home.

During the next few days your child will be given the name of their Key Worker. Although this adult may be your first call if you have any issues you wish to discuss regarding your child, other staff working in class will be more than happy to speak to you and will ensure that any information is passed on to the class teacher. Children will meet with their key worker groups each week for a short circle time and other activities.

To help children develop their literacy and maths skills, continued support at home with reading and homework activities would be greatly appreciated.  Please ensure that reading bags and books are in school everyday.

P.E in class 2 will be on a Tuesday and Friday. P.E kits need to be clearly labelled and should be in school at all times. School uniform should also be clearly named. Children will use our outdoor area on a daily basis. Please send in a named pair of wellies and a waterproof jacket (please don’t go out and buy new!) so that we can try to keep your child as mud free as possible!

Our topic this term is ‘Story telling’. Lots of practical work will take place around stories of The Gingerbread Man and The Little Red Hen. It would be helpful if your child could have read these stories beforehand at home. In November, we are fortunate enough to be receiving a visit from Warburtons! We will also be talking about Autumn and festivals that fall during the term. Our role play area will be a home corner and will develop from the children’s ideas including birthdays and babies. Any resources linked to our topics will be greatly appreciated. We also have a making area so please send clean junk material into school eg. kitchen roll tubes, cereal boxes, bottle tops (no toilet roll tubes please!). Hopefully, the children will be able to recycle them into some super models for display in your home! There will be a ‘Meet and Greet’ session for Reception parents in October. A formal Parents Evening will also be held in October for year 1 parents where targets will be shared. Further details will be sent home nearer to the time.

I hope that the children enjoy their time in Class 2. However, if you have any concerns or worries, please don’t hesitate to speak to me.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Campling



  • Named PE kit
  • Named wellies and waterproof jacket

Junk modelling materials
