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If you have concerns regarding the safeguarding or welfare of any of our pupils, please contact Miss R Brown (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs M Eastham (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mrs T Bolton (Designated Safeguarding Lead) or Miss Blackburn (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
St Peter's participates in Operation Encompass. Following the report of an incident of domestic abuse, school will be advised that the child has been involved. Please see school website for further details.
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EYFS have been learning all about themselves as part of their provision. They learned about the human growth timeline and then sorted objects into whether they would be used by a baby, a toddler, a child, a teenager, an adult or an elderly person. We have developed our vocabulary connected to past and present.
EYFS have been learning about growth and how to sequence changes throughout life. The children had two visitors, a baby and a toddler. They were able to ask questions about the children in these stages and then compared clothes and shoes to their own. The children then completed an independent activity sequencing the order of growth.
HAWTHORN CLASS YEAR 4 - We used our timelines which we had made in Year 3 to now attach key moments from our new history topic, the Anglo-Saxons. We then discussed what surprised us about the timeline, what did we notice about periods of history.
We know more about the Victorians because they are closer in time to us.
What happened in 1066 as both the Viking and anglo-Saxon periods seem to end then.
I can't believe the ship was buried in 700 AD and only found in 1939.
Year 5 have been exploring the chronology of Ancient Greece- we worked together to use our timelines to work out the duration of this period of History. We made hypotheses about why we thought the Greek period of History might have come to an end using the timeline as a source of evidence. We visited our outdoor timeline to see the 'bigger picture' and what else was happening in other parts of the world at this time in History.
EYFS have been learning about Guy Fawkes and why we have Bonfire Night on the 5th November. They were able to add the important date of 5th November 1605 to their big timeline in their classroom.
George from Ash class has been busy showing off his knowledge about Ancient Egyptians. He drew a diagram of a mummy in a sarcophagus and explained he had seen this in a museum. He then was able to point out which period of History this would come from on the big timeline. A future historian in the making!
Line of enquiry- ‘How long ago was World War 2?’
We worked in groups to explore the chronology of World War 2. We placed different periods of History onto the correct place on the timeline, including periods we have studied before. We then tried to work out where World War 2 would fit in on the timeline. As a group we had to consider:
• What else was going on at the time of World War 2?
• How does it relate to WW1? Is it a significant period of history?
• What came before it? What came after?
• How long ago are we talking about? What was the duration of the war?
• What other observations can you make about the timeline?
KS1 have been busy setting up their own 'Toy Museum'. They have been developing their chronology and enquiry skills to decide which century and decade the toys might possibly belong to.
We understand the term PERIODS of history.
We know that time can be split into B.C. Before Christ and A.D. Anno Domini (Year of our Lord).
We know that the Stone Age is PREHISTORY and was so long ago that nothing was written down.
We know that some periods in history overlap such as the Romans and Ancient Egyptians, the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons.
In Beech class, Lewis noticed from our chronology timeline work that the Anglo-Saxon and Viking period of History both ended in 1066AD and wondered why. After discussing how this was a very important date in British history and involved the Battle of Hastings, Grace asked 'What was the Battle of Hastings?'. I suggested she find out for homework and look what arrived the following morning..........Well done Grace for super independent research!
Line of enquiry- ‘Where do the Ancient Greeks fit in to the bigger picture?’
We worked in groups to explore the chronology of the Ancient Greek civilization. We placed different periods of History onto the correct place on the timeline, including periods we have studied before. We then tried to work out where the Ancient Greeks would fit in on the timeline. As a group we had to consider:
• What else was going on at the time of the Ancient Greek era?
• Did the Ancient Greek period last long? Is it a significant period of history?
• What came before it? What came after?
• Can you hypothesise why it might have come to an end?
• What other observations can you make about the timeline?
We had some super thinking for why the Ancient Greek era might have come to an end......
Joe said: "I think, knowing how brutal the Romans were going around capturing country by country, they invaded Greece and took over".
Max thought: "The Romans were starting to conquer lots and lots of Western Europe and Greece's hoplites were fending them off but seeing as Rome had a lot more soldiers, they were conquered and taken over."
Jade thought: "I think maybe it came to an end because Ancient Egypt wanted to be the longest time period, so they had a war and Greece came to an end."
Our human timelines of important events in Stone Age to Iron Age....
Constructing our toilet roll timeline to represent how long the Roman Empire spanned. One sheet = 10 years!
UKS2 have been exploring the idea of chronology in History. We worked with our group to construct a historical timeline, showing periods of world history. This helped us to understand where the Ancient Romans fit in to this. We developed our understanding of the terms B.C and A.D, so we could sort the periods of history into chronological order.
Before we start to find out about 'Crime and Punishment' throughout the ages, KS2 needed a whistle-stop tour of British History over the last 2000 years! Phew! Yes - we found out lots especially by researching in pairs using ipads. We found key facts about life in different periods with key events, key people and then shared these with the class.
LKS2 took part in a fun lesson, where we had to think about how long ago the Ancient Egyptian civilization actually was. We used toilet roll to make a human timeline. Each sheet of toilet paper represented 50 years. We worked out that the Ancient Egyptian period started around 5000 years ago before Christ. Our timeline stretched a really long way around. It made us realise just how long ago 5000 years was.
UKS2 have begun their Ancient Greece topic with some problem solving. They worked in groups to piece together a timeline showing different historical periods and then had to work out where the Ancient Greeks fitted in. It helped them to see what had come before this time and just how long ago this period was.
They were also challenged to see if they could work out how long the Ancient Greek civilisation was around for using their timelines to help. It was a challenging task but all groups persevered to develop their chronological understanding.
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